Add force changing with graphics settings?

Thank you! Thank you!

So I have a platform that launches the player into the air when they collide with it. But when I set the graphics options ingame it also appears to be changing the velocity of the player launch?

Low Graphics = Less velocity / High Graphics = More velocity

The blueprints changing the graphics have no connection to the launch platform… Any ideas lol?

Can you show your launch blueprint please

These are the console commands im using when I set the graphics








Here’s a basic explanation of the problem:

AddImpulse accounts for frame rate(ticks/delta time), so you’ll get different results depending on frame rate. Changing graphics options changes frame rate.

Use AddImpulse instead, which does not account for it. You should get the same results regardless of FPS.

No problem :slight_smile: , could you please mark as answered? Need. More. KARMA!