Add elements like size box, or spacer, to widget by blueprint

Hello! I´m trying to create a widget in wich elements are added based on an array. To do so, I need to create, for each loop, a widget and add it to an horizontal box that already exist in the widget. The problem is that I need each child widget to be inside of a sizebox in order to show correctly, and also to add a spacer in between for a better display, but I don´t find a way to add them dinamically on the widget graph. Is there a way to do it? or should I add these directly in de UMG of the child widget? I would like to avoid it, since I would need to duplicate the widget each time I need to change the dimension of the spacer for example, but I don´t find another way to do it.

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Try this:

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I think that node “construct object” was exactly what I was looking for. I gonna try it, but I think that was it. Thank you very much!!


However, it would be better to implement this inside the child widget.


Ok, that´s great! I´m new on this, so I didn´t know that I can expose the variables of the child widget in the way you did. Certanly it seem better this way. Thank you again!


Hi! It works perfectly, but, would it be possible to set the spacer´s size to “fill” from blueprint? I can set a custom size, like in the images you posted, but, it would be nice to change that setting in order to get the center align like is described in this post: [UMG] Arrangement of the children in Horizontal box - #6 by maxxburman

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