Add description for the reason of rejection

Hi there!
I’m working on a the educational project that uses UEFN to reach kids programming in overall and verse especially.
Currently I’ve faced the issue that a lot of our projects are rejected to be published with 12+ (especially in Russia).
Sometimes it become ridiculous.
We have the same projects for the overall programming and Verse, the difference is that some of the questions are regarding verse, some not.
And I have like Verse version published successfully, but the overall one publish is rejected with the reasoning " * The content within your creative island".

Please, add the normal answer for the rejection why the Islands were rejected. It is impossible to fix the problems and really affects the reasoning of using UEFN as a target platform for such projects.

Rejected island is (had to publish it with the 16+ in Russia, that blocks the region for it)
Approved island

@Grazorus Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

And again I’ve got rejection for the Island that was successfully published 2 days ago.
The only thing that I changed was the Name and Description, as I selected wrong one during first publish.

Publishing feels like Russian roulette…