Add Controller Roll Input bug?

So for some context, when the player dies in this first person game, the camera rotates via the “Add Controller Roll Input” node with its value set at 10 (within the character BP). Then there is a delay for about 3 seconds until the player respawns. The camera is then set back to its original rotation via the “Add Controller Roll Input” node with its value set at 0.

So that works out fine and dandy. But then when I load and play on a different level, the camera doesn’t get set back to its original rotation on respawn.
UNLESS I set the “Add Controller Roll Input” node to -10

Why does this work differently on different levels? It should work the same regardless of the map/level because this is in the character BP. what gives?

I just want the camera to tilt and look up a bit after the player gets shot to death. Is there another lightweight way to do this?