Why can’t you just connect GetParent with the Target pin in blueprint? Is the parent not valid in the component from where you try to add the other to the parent?
Secondly, I don’t wont use blueprint here to much, because I would need to add components once at a 0.01 second or less, and blueprint cant do this. Blueprints do function once at least at one frame, and one frame lasts 0.017-0.033 s (60fps-30fps).
Fatal error: [File:D:\Build++UE4+Release-4.13+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Private\UObject\Obj.cpp] [Line: 84]
No object initializer found during construction.
Here crash log, but I don’t clearly understend how to give him object initializer in code like that:
ConstructSubobject can only be called from constructor, from elsewhere you need to call NewObject. You said you already tried this, but where is it chrashing then?
Ok, I checked all code second time, corrected the most stupid bugs, and it’s work now. But another problem appear. Static Mesh Components invisible, and I don’t know why. I can teleported to this component, but they are invisible…
Trying to add component from component using Blueprints and I can’t I don’t want to create hacks and call something on Actor just because of that… I’m teaching Blueprints and it’s another thing that is missing, need to do it in C++.