How do i add collision for each chunk in a destructible mesh to the player? Say the player walks to it he will be blocked.
At the moment this is hardcoded in the destructible component. This is only temporary though.
I have a changelist ready which will allow for exactly what you request. You will be able to define in the properties of the DestructibleComponent how chunk collision should behave. We will distinguish between two chunk groups. Big chunks and small chunks. There will be a property that defines a size from which on chunks are treated as big. While big chunks will keep the collision settings of the destructible itself, there will be an additional property that allows you to configure the collision response for small chunks.
Ok. Thanks you. When is that update supposed to arrive?
We can’t say for certain right now which Rocket release will contain the update.
bumping this question. i have a destructible mesh with radius force attached to it. so when it spawns i use the radius force to make the chunks fly in different directions. now… i want the chunks to be able to deal out damage to players, actors, pawns, etc. is it possible to do this?