add CineCameraComponent to Spawnable CinecameraActor

I’m trying to add camera tracks to sequence.
First, I created master Camera cut track and cineCameraActor using this below script.

cineCamBinding =

And then I don’t know how to add cineCameraComponent to the spawnable CineCamera.
CineCamBinding seems doesn’t have any possible method to do it.

Any suggestions?

The best way to do this is to create a camera, create a spawnable from it, and then get the camera component from the camera and add a possessable binding to it. Here’s an example which is in Engine\Plugins\MovieScene\SequencerScripting\Content\Python\

def create_level_sequence_with_spawnable_camera(asset_name, package_path = '/Game/'):

	sequence = unreal.AssetToolsHelpers.get_asset_tools().create_asset(asset_name, package_path, unreal.LevelSequence, unreal.LevelSequenceFactoryNew())

	# Create a cine camera actor
	camera_actor = unreal.EditorLevelLibrary().spawn_actor_from_class(unreal.CineCameraActor, unreal.Vector(0,0,0), unreal.Rotator(0,0,0))

	# Add a spawnable using that cine camera actor
	camera_binding = sequence.add_spawnable_from_instance(camera_actor)
	# Add a cine camera component binding using the component of the camera actor
	camera_component_binding = sequence.add_possessable(camera_actor.get_cine_camera_component())


	# Add a focal length track and default it to 60
	focal_length_track = camera_component_binding.add_track(unreal.MovieSceneFloatTrack)
	focal_length_track.set_property_name_and_path('CurrentFocalLength', 'CurrentFocalLength')
	focal_length_section = focal_length_track.add_section()
	for channel in focal_length_section.find_channels_by_type(unreal.MovieSceneScriptingFloatChannel):
	# Add a transform track
	camera_transform_track = camera_binding.add_track(unreal.MovieScene3DTransformTrack)
	populate_track(sequence, camera_transform_track, 1, 5)
	return sequence

Thank you for your solution and tips.

It helps me a lot.

Best regards!

Is there a way to avoid using a dummy scene actor (i.e. calling spawn_actor_from_class)? I would like to use CameraComponent from CineActor from Camera Animation Sequence. I don’t want to create extra objects (cause it binding id will be invalid once I remove actor from the scene)