Hi all,
I’m completely stumped as to why this happens, but apparently some blueprint I made doesn’t work in the movie render queue. It works fine in editor and sequencer but for some reason, when my blueprint adds new child actor components from frame to frame (has to happen, it’s a configurator that ‘spawns’ some other objects, it completely fails to add a component. I can’t seem to get an error message, but it just doesn’t add the child actor component.
The setup:
Blueprint A will contain the child components. It has a LoadMyChildren function. This function firstly deletes all current children of the scenecomponent, as we want to start clean. Then it will add the new components as specified by its variables.
Blueprint B will adjust some variables on bp A, then call the LoadMyChildren function on blueprint A. The adjustment will be done every frame (triggered by the sequencer by changing a variable).
Does anyone know why this would fail? Will the scene state lock up during render queue or anything like that? It works fine in the editor when I play through the sequencer or adjust values manually.
Kind regards,