The Console was disabled last update, this was a useful feature to see Draw Calls and Prims, please add it back.
Yes. I really don’t understand why this would be removed.
If anything it should be hidden by a “Power User” switch in “Editor Preferences”
Yup, from what they said in Office Hours, it sounds like the reason they removed it is “because they didn’t think we’d use it” and to me this is just not a good reason.
Why remove tools that essentially help us optimize just because they through we wouldn’t use them? If it’s already there, no reason to remove it.
Here is a list of things in UEFN that I currently use and need.
All of it.
Agree, this feature is super helpful and useful.
We’re aware that there are useful things that can be enabled via the console, but it also allows changing a lot of internal settings for debugging and testing that can cause unexpected behavior. As we are continually working to get UEFN read for a Public Beta the decision was made to remove the console.
There are two routes we can pursue -
- Create an Allowlist of safe and useful commands and reenable the console
- Move the useful things into menus so they are accessible and more discoverable
Both of these would be “in the coming months” vs “coming weeks”.
We’d love feedback on these, and what sort of commands people were using.
+1 to @GrantGoldkey
What types of things were you doing with the console? (Diagnose issues or work with your projects?) You said Draw Calls and Prims. Was that exclusively in the editor?
Hey Jay! Yes, everything in editor. In my case, I was mostly using “stat unit”, “stat niagara”, “stat gpu”, “stat memory” like commands that display information we have no other way of seeing. In addition to this, we’ve also been missing tools like the GPU Profiler that you bring up with Ctrl + Shift + ,
So mostly stat based commands, nothing to enable / disable dev settings.
Basically, all the ones available in this menu
Both of these are EXTREMELY useful as we have no other way of monitoring performance.
How are we supposed to optimize for all platforms if we basically have no stats to go by?
I completely understand the decision but I’m hoping to see it coming back in some form in the upcoming months.
Thank you.
Use this ALL THE TIME when I’m teaching. It allows students/peers to see what I’m pointing at in creation to everything else on the screen. Specifically when hovering over assets in the content browser.