Hi Epic Team,
I am using Ue5 for enterprise solutions - Car simulators, store and environment designs and experiential marketing. I’ve used the software in conjunction with many other 3rd party programs and workflows.
I really do believe the ndisplay features in UE5 open up doors to so many incredible applications beyond just virtual production and cave simulators and video projection mapping. However the documentation on using external applications to emmit events in the cluster nodes is sparse. Their is a brief description on emmitting the JSON or Binary structure to the port 41003.
I have followed it to a tee and I am sending messages using a variety of different TCP messaging service and applications and UE5 application won’t even register the events or input. Im not sure what i am doing wrong
My feedback is just that some walk through examples with a third party application tutorial like Touch Designer, PuTTy or NCat or other could be added to the documentation.
Perhaps a documentation section that talks to all the different ways in which you can communnicate with UE4 or 5 externally or youtube learning video.
I am aware that there are tcp and websocket plugins availible. however I would have preferred to use the built in ndisplay listener nodes.
If I some how manage to get it too work I will repost my solution and thoughts here.
Anyways, Thank You