to add an actor which exists in the level.
But this gives me a red label of the actor name (=ID) on the track, saying:
“The object bound to this track is missing”
Seems not to be enough, its still red, when I BindPossessableObject to my LevelSequence.
Maybe its a better idea, to use FLevelSequenceEditorToolkit::AddActorsToSequencer(AActor*const* InActors, int32 NumActors).
How would I create or get this toolkit?
I tried your suggestion and added “LevelSequenceEditor” to my module names but get a linker error:
Error: Couldn’t find parent type for ‘AnimationConduitGraphSchema’ named ‘UEdGraphSchema_K2’ in current module or any other module parsed so far
‘UEdGraphSchema_K2’ is in “BlueprintGraph”, so I added this module, too.
But this didn’t help, same error.
I want to add an actor to the sequencer in C++.
Don’t understand, why every simple step which is already implemented in an editor menu or blueprint is so hard to do in C++.
I gave up here, thanks for helping @anonymous_user_f5a50610.
Thanks, that’s what I did. I tried again and it now is actually working. Don’t know what the problem was, probably sth to do with the actor’s label.