Add a company logo to the bottom right


For an architectural project, I had to show my project with my company logo at the bottom right…
The logo had to always appear at screen and at the same place.
I am novice to unreal engine (blueprints…) so can you help to do that?

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:

You can try UMG, just add picture there make it snap to bottom right corner.

Or you can make postprocess material with logo, but then you may need to fiddle with it a bit for different resolutions.

Or you can make HUD (basic/old version of UMG) and add logo there.

Assuming your logo is static, go for UMG as Nawrot suggests. I do something similar, I have a static game logo bottom right of the screen whilst in dev mode.

Thank you for your quick replies!
Ok so I create a widget blueprint and put my logo at the right bottom of the screen…

But When I start the game with the play button I don’t see the logo in the game…
I have to do something with my widget blueprint graph? or my level blueprint to activtate this widget?

I need to see the logo in the game and also when I take screenshots of my project !

Thank you so much!

You need to add that UMG widget (one blueprint with logo) to player controller (or used pawn) camera.
Best it would be if you watched simple umg tutorial.

Stuff you need is described here: 4. Scripting the Main Menu | Unreal Engine Documentation
steps 18 and 19.

But look at everything in that tutorial, soon you probably will want to make some key shortcut to hide and show logo etc.

you have to call the function " create widget" and then from the nod you pull a wire and type in “add to viewport”. this is something you can make in your char or controller as an example on event begin play. also place an anchor for your logo so it will be always on the right bottom no matter what resolution you have

Thank you very much! It works perfectly as I want… ! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

hey folks -

i was following this tutorial - but i’m stuck. i have the exact graph above - but when i go into game mode- i don’t see my hud whatsoever!

any suggestions?

if you would have it exactly same then it would work ^^ show us what you got maybe we find your problem