Adaptive blending start - increase the limit value over 0.5

I’d like to ask for a change - increase the limit of “adaptive blending start” parameter over 0.5

I have a camera rig for scanning people, and have problems with some border areas of the models. I currently can’t purchase more cameras and also can’t place them higher in my studio, but I can get more of the rig by increasing this parameter, because it enables me to increase the covered area. I understand it so that this parameter limits what angles/normals regarding to camera positions are still usable from the depthmaps. It would be great if the user would have more freedom in tweaking this parameter.

do you mean Adaptive texel size in the Reconstruction Settings / Coloring/Texturing / Default unwrap parameters / Style? there have been some changes in its options - for Minimal/Maximal required texel size, you can now choose:

  • Optimal
  • 2x optimal (50% texture quality)
  • 4x optimal (25% texture quality)
  • 10x optimal (10% texture quality)
  • 100x optimal (1% texture quality)
  • Custom

therefore I believe it now accommodates your needs