I have a ship level that I need a lot of sliding doors. Instead of using the level blueprint, I want to make a blueprint with a door static mesh that has a collision box that way we can just place the actor in the level and have it work. I’m using the ActorSequence component on the blueprint, and have created key frames for the axis I need it to move in. In the blueprint viewport, if I scrub the sequence playhead the static mesh moves just fine with the collision box staying where it needs to. The collision bp looks like this:
As soon as I hit compile in the event graph tab, the sequence track turns red and the tool tip says “the object bound to this track is missing”
If I click on the Viewport tab in the BP viewer and click Compile, the track turns white and the tooltip disappears. I can scrub the playhead and again, the SM moves and the collision box remains where it was. Now, if I hit play in the editor and walk into the collision box, the actor and box disappear from the scene. In the hierarchy, this is what it looks like before I walk into the collision box:
And once the overlap begins, the actor disappears from the screen, and the hierarchy looks like this:
I’m not sure if I’m doing something wrong or running into a bug. Does anyone have any idea as to why it’s behaving this way? Thanks!