Actor's Struct not pushing into Widget

The current logic is to spawn a hidden Actor which holds a struct with customizable side quest variables like title, description.

They should get pushed into a widget at BeginPlay, but only the title, description and reward, which already have a Binding in the Widget. (this picture; description from the struct):


^ but the Struct variables are not getting passed into the widget. None of them.
Even when i split the pins in Create Widget.

When i write something into the of widget’s struct, it gets read however:


(These widgets stack in a task central)

Both Structs in the Actor and Widget are exposed:



But where and how does the communication between them go wrong?
They’re very tightly connected after all…

I don’t know any further - thanks in advance for resonance

The widget structure is stepped on by the structure you send empty.
it is better to fill the data of the structures with a table

Right now i encountered something weirder…

I created a typical variable and it does not even push that to the widget, written into the Create Widget node.




Var is exposed, though… Funnily enough, this very same principle works perfectly fine on my Info (tooltip) popup Widget:


Through “Add To Player Screen”, the struct gets printed! Added as an Item not.

So, this happened. I removed the ListView and just added the widgets as “Add Child” either into the Vertical Box or the Scroll Box and the struct is passing fine.

What a time to be alive.

That means the ListView didn’t read it.

The widget was set up as an Entry Widget for the ListView, but at least we got this rock off.

Solved for now…

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