So I recorded a sequence and after playing it back I would like to be able to have the objects resume from their positions at the end of the sequence.
So for exactly, recording 10 physics objects falling then i replay it from a point in the recording at a slower speed… What I need is to then be able to resume the physics objects falling from the end of the sequence recording.
I’ve been able to record and play a sequencer recording in blueprints, but at the end of the sequence the objects just disappear.
The reason the objects disappear is because they are spawned inside the sequence, so when the sequence stops it will delete all the spawned objects with it.
To fix this you can use objects you place in your scene/level and animate them inside the sequence.
What I have tried was recording the objects that were in the scene then playing the sequence, the problem is I can’t find any way to make the sequence affect those objects as part of the animation instead of spawning objects.
I don’t know if it will work in your case but you could use a workaround. Try to stop playing the sequence 1 frame before it ends, this will not delete the spawned objects.
That works for pausing the sequence, my issue now is how to extract the objects from the sequence so that they become objects inside the level for the player to interact with again