Actor's procedural mesh is not drawn


I am trying to have an actor spawned and visualized when I press a key: I can see that the Actor is created and added to a TArray of actors of a Pawn, but it is never drawn on screen (it is a simple procedural mesh of a simple cube).

This is how I spawn the actor inside my spawner class:

TArray<AChairActor*> _chairs;


      AChairActor* _actToSpawn = NewObject<AChairActor>(this, TEXT("CHAIR")); 

The function to draw the cube is called as the Actor is initialized so I thought it was going to be rendered as soon as I create it. At this point it is clear to me that I am missing something quite basic but I haven’t been able to figure it out on my own so far.

Thank you in advance

Make sure to use UWorld::SpawnActor (instead of NewObject) set of functions to properly initialize and spawn an Actor.

Thanks for your reply. It did not change the situation by itself, though: I am able to draw the cubes on screen only if as they were spawned. My idea of creating the cubes and storing them in an array and drawing them when needed did not work and I am wondering if there is something basic I am missing

Have your read this article about Procedural Meshes?

Also, when you draw Procedural Meshes while playing in Editor, try unpossessing your character and going to where the procedural mesh should be and move around your camera. Sometimes the winding order or normals might not be correct and draw the cube from the inside instead. You can also try changing the material to draw it on both sides to check if this is true.

That’s the tutorial I was drawing inspiration from. The fact that I was able to draw the cubes from its constructor and not when I was storing them in an array and drawing them as needed made me think the problem was not in its facing directions.
Anyway I ha found a kind of workaround that is doing the job for now