Actors not unhiding when I tell them to

Is there any reason that an actor still stays invisible even after you tell it to unhide itself? I’ve been stuck on this for the past 2 days and I am really out of ideas. I know the actors have the capability to unhide, because when I spawn them during play, they unhide themselves. But if I spawn them inside of an array in Event BeginPlay and try to activate them later, they never unhide. I can tell they are there because of their light component, but their particle component always stays hidden even though I never tell the particle component to do anything. I know the unhide code is getting called because I added a breakpoint there. Is there ANYTHING outside of blueprint settings and code that could cause these things to stay hidden? The ones that I spawn on the fly using “spawn actor from class” work just as expected. But if I spawn them right at the beginning of the game and throw them into an array they just don’t work.

Also, the ones that do work I am spawning right after the ones that don’t work. I activate them just the same and they work. Like I said, the only difference is that the ones that work are brand new actors instead of the actors I spawned earlier and put into an array. I don’t know why I would only see the light component of these actors and not the entire actor. They definitely exist. They are projectiles, they move (which isn’t possible until the unhide function is called), and I take damage from them. I just can’t see them.

Hello Kochab,

That’s very odd that only part of your projectile unhides itself. Right off the bat i’m thinking your issue is related to only telling a portion of your object to unhide and not propagating that information to its child components.

Here is my test. I made a blueprint actor object that has two components. “Static Mesh 1” is the root component. Dropped it into the world. Then went inside the Graph of the blueprint object and created these nodes in my picture.

It all disappeared, and 3 seconds later only the root component came back into view.

Does this help?


Well, your example gave me something else to try. I saw you were targeting the scene component itself. My projectiles are actors so I was just hiding and unhiding the entire actor. I tried it by just targeting the scene component but it still didn’t work. My root component is a particle system. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I also tried Activating the particle system as well as unhiding it, but that didn’t work either.

Finally solved this. I had to unhide the entire actor (not just the component, because I was hiding the entire actor before) and then tell the component itself to reset.

can u post , the entire BP please? i m stuck too with this problem :slight_smile: thanks