I have a rock actor and a firecracker that are designed to be thrown (Similar to the rock in far cry or a grenade in an FPS), however I need the default scene root to be moveable and not static or I get warnings. The only issue is once I change it to moveable the actors keep getting removed from the world (even in the “World Outliner”), Due to this I know that they aren’t falling through the map but being removed outright. The level also never streams so they aren’t being streamed out (I even tested in a new level map) and the rock doesn’t have ANY destroy actor functions connected to it in any of the blueprints, and the firecracker only has a destroy actor after it has been thrown (even if it hasen’t been thrown and hasn’t been picked up in the first place it gets removed). Everytime I press play the objects only last 30 seconds before removing.
As stated before, this only happens when default scene root is moveable and it has to be since it is a physics object, Any help will be greatly appreciated!