Actors float away at game start when gravity disabled

Hi all.

Very new to Unreal Engine so sorry for the possible noob question but this doesn’t seem to have been asked.

I have set up a basic game using just starter content and I have noticed that when I disable gravity for the default props (2 chars and a table etc), and then run the game, they begin to float away as if acted upon by some default impulse. They move upwards and rotate slowly.

None of the other actors I put into the level do this though they will move as expected when acted upon by other objects.

Is there some default z direction and rotational impulse setting I need to look at?

Incidentally setting linear and angular damping will slow/stop this movement as expected but it’s like something is giving them a little push right when the game starts.

Can anyone help on this?

Many thanks.

Hey @cjmccormack! Welcome to the Forums!

Good question. The issue I have found is that the starter scene assets ever so slightly, and I mean extremely minutely overlap with the floor and the assets move as they are being pushed apart.

Here are the initial results:


But if you move the chair up just a hair, you get this as the result:


I hope the above adequately solves your problem!


@Quetzalcodename thanks so much for this!

This indeed solves my problem. Thanks for taking the time to answer so thoroughly.


Just to point out, this ‘error’ is also the perfect, ‘we just lost gravity and shtuff starts to float around’ type of setup…