Actors disappear in scene when making any changes to position or rotation.

No, this is happening in my other projects as well with just normal BP_Actors. It seems to only be due to either static meshes or BP’s, never the in engine assets. But it happens to everything I’m importing from Quixel Bridge, or my own 3d models.

Correction: It’s happening to the unreal assets if they are turned into a blueprint as well.

No idea, really :melting_face:

It’s a long shot, but have you tried verifying the engine?

In the launcher:


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I did a reinstall a few days ago and still have the same issue. I just wanted to be sure if this was a bug or not, seemingly it is at least. I’ll reinstall it again. Maybe that will do something, who knows. :man_shrugging:

I’m also curious if this is why my blueprint functions are acting strange as well. In one level there are no issues, but when i make a new level my lasers don’t work. Just some weird stuff.

Thanks for the help! Should I send this in as a report or just let it go?

I’d verify rather than reinstall. You might miss something.

You can’t report it unless you can find why it’s happening. I don’t see anyone else having the problem either…

The blueprint problem sounds like something else.

Yea, I don’t know. I’ll verify then reinstall if it still doesn’t work.

Thanks again!

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I found this Quote from a similar topic around a month ago. Could be a version of the issue users experienced here, but I somehow may have a more severe problem.

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I’m facing the similar issue. Have you found any resolution to it?

Unfortunately, no. In the comment above, I found a thread that described a similar problem, someone listed a few solutions you could try. See if they work out for you.

i have the same problem sir.

For me helps to remove from the content build data asset created for my level. Then after reloding bp come back, also I can move them again.