I’m trying to understand this:
I create an Actor Component with a String variable, with a default value of TEXT 1. Then I added the Component to an Actor, and placed a Print String in the Actor’s Constructor that prints the Component’s String Variable.
I place the actor in the level and move it using the Editor, TEXT 1 is printed as expected.
Then I open the Actor, select the Component in the Components Window, then change the value of the variable from TEXT 1 to TEXT 2.
Move the Actor again using the Editor and TEXT 2 is printed as expected.
But if I set the Component’s variable to Instance editable, and change the value from TEXT 2 to TEXT 3 in the Actor’s Instance placed in the level, and move the Actor using the Editor, TEXT 2 is printed instead of TEXT 3.
Why is this happening?
I made a video: 2019 02 20 20 24 08 - YouTube