Actor's blueprint mesh in Outliner

I am using AirSim and there is particular function that do X thing with scene objects when you provide it your object id. I have an actor and when I try that function on it providing its objject name everything works fine but when I try to run that function on mesh that is inside that actor blueprint I can’t get its object name. Seems like it only works with objects available in outliner. Is there a way to access mesh from actor’s blueprint ?

You can get both the Component and its Static Mesh (asset) like so:


I need to have it in outliner

Thought you asked for the opposite. You can view components in the outliner. There is a menu in very corner. They’re hidden by defaults.

Can I make them public ?


After sturggling while on this the solution was to create actor blueprint with your options and use it as a child-actor in the main actor. In that case AirSim recognize them as actors and enamurate them in the scene object.

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