ActorOnClicked works in editor but not in packaged project

So I´ve got an actor class witch a variable amount of spline meshes.
I´ve hooked up a actorOnClicked and some stuff that happens after it.
In the UE editor and in the standalone game in the editor everything works fine but when i try to cklick on my actor in the packaged version of my game nothing happens.

I don´t have any idea why and how to fix it:
I would be happy if you could help my.


I tried this in a new blank project and was not able to reproduce the problem as ActorOnClicked gets called normally both in editor and in the packaged game. Here’s my project for reference: [download][1]

Have you made any changes to the default packaging settings? And also double-checked your game mode classes under project settings to make sure you’re using the correct classes?


Yes I´ve double checked all the modes and stuff but I can´t find anything difrent to the editor so I dont get why it isn´t working

I made a video in wich you can see what happens.