Actor Waypoints


Quick Description**

Quickly get actors moving in your level with Blueprint and optionally enable things to happen when they get places with event hooks. Examine the blueprints to learn how to do basic movement, time and speed based smooth movement over frames, orientation, and event hooking of actors with Blueprint.


  • Waypoint List Construction
  • Smooth Movement Between Waypoints
  • Time Between Waypoints Editable
  • Speed Between Waypoints Editable
  • Starting Delay Editable
  • Auto-Rotation Toggle
  • Optional Waypoint Visualization
  • Visualization Coloring Editable
  • In Place Enable/Disable Toggles
  • Change Waypoint Event
  • Finished Moving Event
  • Start Moving Blueprint Function Call
  • Stop Moving Blueprint Function Call

Additional Details

Full technical specifications and additional information available here.

Quick Update:

I received an interesting question from a developer who wanted to use waypoints in a slightly different way: Setting up actors with waypoints throughout a level and then triggering them based on events happening during play (instead of starting to move immediately after play starts or after a certain delay). I created a beta version (not yet on marketplace) that enables this. This really quick preview video of the included demonstration map shows how it looks:

In the preview, the cone is controlling the cube, using its own waypoint events and the cube’s stop/start moving functions. The cone stops the cube when the cone reaches its first waypoint, then the cone starts the cube moving on the cube’s loop of waypoints again once the (non-looping) cone reaches the end of its own waypoints. I guess, in some elemental way, they dance, and way better than I do! :slight_smile:

The developer who requested the feature helping me test this new functionality and, once we’ve tested it, I’ll submit an update to the marketplace so that anyone who has it will get this functionality as well through the Epic launcher update mechanism.

Just a quick note that testing of the start/stop feature was successful and I submitted an updated build to Epic, so this feature should be inbound on your launcher soon.

The Waypoints component will have new blueprint-callable StopMoving and StartMoving functions. You can call these at any time and the actor will freeze and then smoothly resume movement through its waypoints if you call these functions respectively. If you don’t want the actor to start moving at the beginning of play, there will be a new Wait editable checkbox on the Waypoints component you can use to tell the actor to wait until you call the StartMoving function.

Quick update that Epic confirmed the new version has been updated on the Engine Marketplace (version 1.2.1) with the start/stop feature as described above! Therefore, if you have already downloaded Actor Waypoints, you may want to update from the Epic Launcher.

Just a quick update that I tested Actor Waypoints with 4.12. I did not encounter any problems, so I am now listing 4.12 as a tested engine version.

Actor Waypoints has also been tested with 4.13.

Quick update that Actor Waypoints is now tested as compatible with 4.18 and previous versions back to 4.10. Also is 50% off for Cyber Monday sale.

Actor Waypoints now tested as compatible with versions 4.10 through 4.23!

And now through 4.24.

Since you cannot see the in-editor tutorials without buying the blueprint, I updated the tutorial text to describe the experience in both Unreal Engine 4 and 5 and posted it below:

Actor Waypoints Basics Tutorial

This tutorial will walk you through getting your actors in motion using Actor Waypoints. We’ll add an actor to a level, add a waypoints actor component to the actor, and set some waypoints.

Let’s create a clean working space. The best way to do this File → New Level and choose the Default or Basic level.

OK, now that we have a clean level, let’s place an actor in it. Using the Place Actors Mode, go to the All Classes list and drag a cube right into the level. At this point, you have an actor. The actor is not literally the cube though. The cube is a component of the actor. And we can add another component!

With the actor selected, look at the Details pane for that actor. Look for the green Add component button. When you click on the button, a very long list of components will come up. You could scroll, but a much faster way is to start entering the text “Waypoints” into the search field until you see the Waypoints component in a shorter list. Click on it. You will see that your actor picks up a new component, the Waypoints component.

The Waypoints component we just added to your actor serves as a little mini-brain that can move your actor around to certain points in the level. But to do that, we need to identify some points in the level to move to! Fortunately, this is really easy. Using the Place Actors Mode, go to the All Classes list. Find Target Point and drag a few of those into your level as well.

Now let’s tell the Waypoints component where to go. Select the cube actor you placed in the scene again and click on the Waypoints actor componenent in the list of actor components (under the green Add component button). Click the little + icon next to the Waypoints field in the Waypoints actor component Default properties to create a few waypoints. Don’t hit Play yet. We’ll configure them in the next step.

We’re almost done. Connect each waypoint to a target point in the level by clicking on the little down arrow in the text field within each waypoint and selecting a target point by name. You can also click the little eyedropper icon to the right of the field and then pick a target point right out of the level. A waypoint is more than just a point in space, it is also a point in time, so you can adjust the time it takes to get from one waypoint to the next either by changing the time or the speed (speed overrides time).

We’ve saved this for the last because it is easy to forget. If you hit Play now, your actor won’t move, because you haven’t given it “permission” to move. Select the actor and look at its Details panel. Unless you were thinking ahead, its Mobility is probably still Static. Set its mobility to Movable. Now hit the Play button!

Take some time to hover your cursor over the various properties in the Details panel of the Waypoints actor component. You can do things like set an initial delay, have your actor keep looping through the waypoints instead of stopping at the last one, and have your actor auto rotate itself towards the next waypoint. Experiment, have fun, and thanks for using Actor Waypoints!

Here’s the updated Visualization tutorial as well:

Actor Waypoints Visualization Tutorial


In this tutorial, we’ll turn on visualization for actors that are moving among waypoints. This tutorial assumes you have already completed the Actors Waypoints Basics tutorial.

Confirm Requirements

For visualization to work, you must have an actor. That actor must have a Waypoints component. The Waypoints component must have one or more waypoints with valid target points configured. All set? Let’s go!

Adding Visualization Component

Remember how you added the Waypoints component to your actor in the Actor Waypoints Basics tutorial? Well, we are now going to add another component to the actor in addition to the Waypoints component it already has. Use the Add components button to add a WaypointsVisualizer component to your actor.


If you simply cannot wait, you can now hit Play and lines will appear showing the route of the actor between the waypoints. The WaypointVisualizer component automatically detects the Waypoint component on the same actor. But, if you are willing to read on, there some more configuration options.

Configure Visualization

If you have multiple visualized actors and you want to see lines in different colors for each, select the WaypointsVisualizer component on your actor and look in the Details panel. Hover over the properties and read the tooltips to get a sense of the options. You can also use the Enable toggle to toggle visualization without losing your visualization settings for that actor. That’s it!

Actor Waypoints has now been tested and is compatible with Unreal Engine 5.

Actor Waypoints has now been tested as compatible with Unreal Engine 5.4.