Actor transform not working when I run sequencer and simulation in existing project

I have a simple scene with sequencer and a mixamo animation using UE 5.2.1. I have followed following steps:

  1. created a new Basic new Level
  2. Imported fbx file in level.
  3. Created level sequencer and add location keys for fbx from Point A to point B
  4. Checked Simulate and Pressed Play Button.
  5. Pressed Play in sequencer.

I dont have any issue on newly created project. But, the fbx doesnt move in my existing project(the project was created around 2 months ago in UE 5.2). I have checked my world settings and project settings. They are identical. The fbx is also same and I have nothing on the level except a basic plane. Could anyone set me on right direction? I dont understand what difference is there in existing project and new project.

never mind. I ported all my existing assets to new project and started working there. Wasted too much time on this.

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