I am attempting to spawn an actor on the location of an other actor. The automatic adjustment in case of collision keeps adding that actor on top of the other actor. Is there any way that I can spawn the actor to an adjacent empty space on x or z?
I cant remember exactly what it is calked, but there is an option on the SpawnActor node that allows you to ignore collision when spawning.
The location you feed into it will be where it spawns so just adjust that variable.
There is a way that I managed to do this using a circle’s circumference formula.
x = a+r*cos (d)
y = b+r*sin (d)
a and b are the coordinates that the existing object exists on the horizontal place. r is the radius that you want your object to spawn in relation to a and b. A random d between 0 and 360 will randomize the spawning process. Even the radius can be randomized within a range to create a more random effect.