Actor/Skeletal Mesh showing in viewport but not in sequencer but if moved it pops up in camera view

Hi there , pretty unusual thing here the “bug” only happens on some of the sequence the others works perfectly .

The problem is that in my sequencer when i add the animation to my skeletal mesh the animation shows up right in the viewport and play normaly but in the sequencer view it’s totaly hidden but cast some shadow on the background

but when i move the the mesh away it pops up in the sequencer :

i have tried the near clip of the camera it does nothing tried rendering nothing either forcing LOD 0 or any other parameter does nothing nothing in the visibility is check out im clueless
i even reimported the skeletal and the aniamtion twice and still nothing

The problem Was the Physical Asset creating a Bounding box bigger than the skeletal mesh so when the camera moved into the bounding box the near clip activated and made the skeletal depop

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