Actor scale near to camera

Hi I am trying to increase actor size when camera is near to that actor and decrease when camera is far

I tried a functionality like this as vector length wont give negative values my actor is increasing scale at 2 different positions of camera
Is there any other easy solution for this please let me know

Maybe like this:

This will fluidly change the object scale depending on the vector length. At 100 it will be twice as big, and half the size when 500uus away.

Would that work for you?

The Unclamped alternative of this node can extend the range beyond the punched in values but maintain the overall ratio.

Hey,thank you i tried this ‘map range’ nodes prior but that is not the expected output for me and i updated with vinterp now i assume everything is fine attaching blueprint screenshot.let me know if i did any mistakes

And i found new issue of cameras became white in same project i exactly dont know why. previously also in some other projects i faced same issue


I see what you’re doing there, makes sense! White cameras? No clue o_O