Actor replication with steam session

Hi, I can join a steam session after starting a session, but when I spawn an
actor(with replication) on the host machine that started the session, it is not being replicated on the client(the machine that called JoinSession())

I am using two different steam accounts and LAN on 2 different computers.

I have configured the DefaultEngine.ini to use steam using “Finished Settings” and 480

How do I spawn an actor on one machine and have it replicated on the other using a steam session?

I noticed in one tutorial Blueprint Multiplayer: Find a Match Graph | 11 | v4.11 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
he is using a function JoinServer(), I don’t have that function.

Ok, I think I know what I did wrong, I’ll be able to test tomorrow when I have two computers,
I didn’t enable the steam online subsystem in the plugins options - Edit->Plugins->search for steam->Enable
this tutorial should give me everything I need - Unreal Engine 4 - Steam Multiplayer - YouTube
thanks anyone

Wow! I just had to increase public connections from 1(in the CreateSession node) to something higher, now using steam the actor is replicated, LAN must not be checked also for someone that runs into this problem.
Good luck!