I am animating a couple of spheres in sequencer, and they worked just fine.
However sequencer started to miss references of animated actors the object bound to this track is missing", when I duplicated my scene and tweaked the sequencer in every duplicated scene.
This post (Possessable Actors in Level Sequencer go missing when updating anything on the blueprint itself. - Cinematics & Media - Epic Developer Community Forums)is claming that it was solved in 4.16 and later, however this issue is still occuring for me in 4.18.3.
Maybe it’s the scene duplication?
To bypass this issue, I just animated the same animation in Matinee…
Found out that both Matinee and Sequence animations cannot be copy pasted into different levels/scenes.
There’s some weird issue where they still have a connection to their references, and this causes the animations to refuse playing etc.
don’t copy paste animations and just create new ones.
Scene duplication is definitely what breaks it.
I’ve come into the same issue. The solution is tedious, but not impossible.
In the duplicated track, I re-add each missing component. Copy and paste the key frames from the broken component into the new one. Works for me.
At least this way, you’re not losing all effort you put into your scene previously. Changes made in the curve editor seem to be preserved this way too!
Aah good one, that saves a bunch of time with animating to just copy paste the keyframes!