actor (projectile) is destroyed instantly after spawning, even though it shouldnt be interacting with my character

my projectile is supposed to be destroyed after travelling either 3 seconds, or colliding with an enemy, however it instead instantly despawns (i assumed due to it hitting my player’s hitbox, but clearly not the case) anyone know how i can fix this?

it might be hitting some other component, try using printstrings on the hit results.

alternatively make sure the collision channel only collides with what you want it to hit

The given code shows an Overlap event. Overlaps on fast moving projectiles aren’t reliable if not setup correctly.

Debug using Print string.
Use the collision hit event, break the hit result, take hit actor → display name → print. Narrow it down via hit component.

Proper Projectile setup

You need 2 new Object Channels. PawnCapsule and Projectile. Both use Block for default response.

Character Mesh Collision

Capsule Component Collision

Projectile Collision

Base projectile structure should be a “Collision Component” as root. Projectile Movement Component (PMC) only moves the root component. DO NOT USE A MESH FOR ROOT!

If you need a mesh for visuals then it is to be a child of the Collision component. It also must have collision disabled.

Spawning Projectiles


Make sure the projectile is spawned far enough away from the owning actor so it doesn’t trigger immediate hits.