Actor Placement in realtime

I’m trying to create a “BuildMenu” where when you click on the menu, it opens a sub menu with a list of buildings. Then when you click on a building, I would like to show a preview of the building on the mouse cursor with ideally an indicator if placement is valid or not, then turn that mesh into said building on valid placement.

I cannot for the life of me get any sort of preview working for on click build menu. And I remember there being an old UE4 Sample project that dealt with Tower Defense, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. Any help would be much appreciated!

(Spawning in the building works fine on click, just cannot SHOW what building you want to place before placement)

Spawn the building normally but with a see-through texture, and have it follow the cursor. When finally placing it, change the texture to the proper one and have it stop follow the cursor.

Since we’re updating the location on Tick, perform collision checks here to find out whether the placement is valid or not.