Actor/Pawn is detaches from camera rig rail when rendering

Hi, i did a car animation where my car actors/pawns (vehicles from the matrix city sample) are attached to a camera rig rail. The map Im using is the matrix city sample.
When I play the animation in the sequencer everything works just fine and the cars follow the rig rail path. However when I try to render the animation I noticed that the cars detach from the camera rig rail (even though they are attached via “attach track” in sequencer and in de details panel also)
Rig rail and cars also are posessable obejcts (not spawnable).
I have no Idea how to resolve this problem. the attachment of other actors onto the cars (like cameras or objects) stays perfectly fine in the final render. Only the attachment of the car pawns onto the rig rail just randomly detaches when rendering

MRQ runs in “Play” mode. So if there is gameplay logic that takes over the car that could be it. Try and Play in Editor and see what happens.

im relatively new to unreal so I cant really tell what this means, but i run in editor mode and this happened:
the car actors werent even appearing in the details panel only after some time the randomly appeared. But when i moved my player camer in editor mode near the car actors and move the slider of the sequencer in my sequence the randomly disappeared again from the world/details panel. If I went to another spot on the map the appeared again but if i moved my camera near the actors and moved the slider of the sequencer the disappeared again.
also if the detach from the rig rail both cars get moved to 0 0 0 is something I also noticed if that helps.

ok i noticed another thing. even if the cars are not attached to anything. the randomly move to 0 0 0 when rendering. so i guess this problem has something to do with the matrix city sample and the fact that i used vehicle pawns that are also used in the final gameplay of the map

Yes exactly. There is gameplay logic running that is messing with you.