Thanks and I apologize for not mention this earlier, but I already have the UFUNCTION macro on the OnClick and the binding happens begin play too.
I updated my question to reflect this
Check which actor/component is returned when you click. Might be the issue with collision channels.
You can use PlayerController->GetHitResultUnderCursor(…) for that.
I have left click input binding event in the editor
in this function I can see that when I click all channels returns myCamera except for the The Visibility channel, it returns the actor Indeed but my onclick event is not triggered. sometimes they all return my actor though
I’ve frankly never used OnClick events for actors, so IDK what the issue might be.
But if GetHitResultUnderCursor() always returns the right actor, why not use it to call the function you need instead OnClick?
There’s no problem with using Hit.
My first attempt was using a line tracing, then I moved to OnClick when it worked because it separated the code and made it cleaner. this is the only reason I am interested in it. I guess I will use it, until I find a way to fix it