I partially followed this tutorial(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbZrfsJ1fWc) on UE4.27, I know the engine version he used is probably older than 4.27 but the actor is simply not getting attached, I added print string to see if the tag is getting detected and it does when I try to pick it, I tried both “attach actor to component” and “attach component to component” but same result, help if possible and thanks in advance…
if I’m not mistaken flip flop is like a light switch, you press once it goes to A(lights on) you press again B(lights off) and so on between A and B but I removed it after I read what you said to make sure it’s not the cause and unfortunately it wasn’t
I fixed it and believe it or not your reply helped me narrow the issue down even though it has nothing to do with class and stuff, the actor I was trying to pick was simulating physics and when I unchecked “simulate physics” it got picked, thanks for your help mate