Actor moving


I know, that Actor can be moved with SimpleMoveToActor BP node.

But now I can’t imagine, how to realize functions like these:

how to move Actor (character) to the front of the another Actor (character)? In this case, in result, both Actors must be face-to face;

how to move Actor (character) to the left of the another Actor (character)? In this case, in result, face of moved Actor must be in left of another Actor;

how to move Actor (character) to the right of the another Actor (character)? In this case, in result, face of moved Actor must be in right of another Actor;

how to move Actor (character) to the front of the another Actor (character)? In this case, in result, face of moved Actor must be in front of another Actor;

Thank you!

Move to Target_Location + getForward Vector * Distance for the location and Vector3 find look at rotation from source location to target location

I was thinking exactly what Oximus said for running in front of and looking at target.

Thank you very much!