Entering game mode to test the inputs on my actor meshes, when I press their inputs the meshes all teleport to a single spefific place on the map rather than do their inputs in the location I placed them in…
Basically I press the input to do an action on the mesh but it just completely leaves the location I placed it in. Though it does do its intended action with my keyboard input just at a the wrong location that it took off to…
When I close the game mode the input meshes go back the location I placed them in.
TLDR; mesh with an input “teleports” or “transforms” into a totally different random location and it does that right after I click its input to do an action.
For example I’m making pinball and when I press space bar to activate the plunger that launches the ball, the plunger teleports to the middle of the Pinball enviroment leaving its post completely…
Please help me, this is happening with all the actor meshes in the Pinball game I’m making and I’m having to redisgn the enviroment in order to “fit” the actor meshes random teleportation patterns… I just want the meshes with an input to do their actions in their resptive location that I gave them and not take off to an incorrect placement in the middle of the game enviroment. Thanks.
That sounds very much like a blueprint coding problem. Can you show some code?
I’m so sorry I forgot I posted this hopefully you’re still here and can help figure out why inputting an action for my meshes teleports them into a single spot at the middle of the game environment. Thank you very much.
![alt text][1]
alt text
I can tell you right now, that spot is 0,0,0
But I will take a look at your shots…
No, 0,0,0 is the central spot they keep going to
I will look any moment now…
The code looks ok, is that all the code for the plunger?
The ‘charge alpha’ goes from 0 - 1, right?
EDIT: Ok, I’ve got it. It’s something shanky with the way the BPs are setup.
You’re trying to tranform the root component of the BP, and for that, relative 0,0,0 is the center of your map!
You need to have a scene root, and then have your mesh attached to that scene root:
How did you make the BPs? I made the one you see above using ‘convert to blueprint’ followed by ‘harvest components’ in the viewport. Or you could make one in the content browser of type actor and add your mesh, then it would look like:
Notice how in both cases, the mesh I’m moving is not at the root.
I tried 0 0 0 on everything and the meshes just keep relocating themselves into that one spot after I press their input… But thanks anyways I hope I don’t have to scrap my game.
Sorry again the ■■■■ MSF course takes forever.
You need to have a scene root, and then have your mesh attached to that scene root.
You’re an absolute hero. Bless you and your family and your offspring the plunger shot the ball, the flippers kicked the ball and my game came to life.