My goal is to spawn an actor and then make sure it’s not editable/ selectable in editor mode (details panel).
I am trying to do this with blueprint and I am using the editor utility widget. I tried using node “SetIsTemporarilyHiddenInEditor” but I can’t see any results? Is it supossed to even hide the actor from world outliner (making it greyed out)?
Thanks for the tip! The reason why I wanted to hide actor in editor mode is because it contains some variables not meant to be edited, so actor more or less function as a container. I am probably not having the right approach for this. But wanted to check what the “SetIsTemporarilyHiddenInEditor” within the EditorScriptingUtility would do. The “SetActorHiddenInGame” is during game play so I guess it’s not what am looking for, but thanks for the suggestion!