"Actor Has Tag" node doesn't work

That’s because you are giving it a Component Tag. Either set an Actor tag(should be down at the bottom of the details panel) or use Component Has Tag node.

Ok so i’ve got this problem that i have this blueprint:


on the big cube from the below image, and i have proper tag on small cube as you can see also in below image


Problem is that collission is happening, proper actor is taken to ‘Target’ on ‘Actor Has Tag’ node but it always return false, any suggesstions?

Thanks i really apreciate your answer, but doesn’t Component Has Tag node works in one actor? not between them

You would need to cast to the actor, get the component, and then use that reference to check for a tag. It would be best to set the Actor tag if you want to avoid this as mentioned.

有两种tag:一种是Component Tag,在Tags下设置;
另一种是Actor Tag,在Actor下的Tags设置。

There are two kinds of tag: one is Component Tag, set under Tags;
The other is the Actor Tag, set at the Tag under Actor.

Its Also Work on c++


Go to Detail>>Actor>>Tag>>“MyTag”

Just understand the diffrence go to link : [https://answers.unrealengine.com/answers/543807/post.html]