Actor follow pawn

I need that a boat (actor) follow a pawn when the pawn arrives to somewhere. How can I do this? Because I have seen a lot of solutions with “AI move to”, but I have an Actor so I can’t use it.


Hello Aravillanueva12,

You must have your actor be controlled by an AI Controller, similar to how you would have a Player Character be controlled by a player controller. You can setup the logic of your AI Controller using blackboard. If this is your first time working with AI and behavior trees, I would recommend using our Behavior Tree Quick Start Guide.

Link to: Behavior Quickstart Guide

Keep in mind, there are multiple ways to achieve a “follow” effect from one object to another. Blackboard allows you to extend those behaviors and have a finer control over the logical order of executing “tasks”, Ai move to would be an example of a task your object would know how to do.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance or explanations.

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Thank you so much for your answer!

I did all steps of the Guide and I understand that I need an AI Controller to control my Actor, but the BP isn’t Third Person Character, so it hasn’t animation, I wonder if I must change the ActorBP to another because it doesn’t work :frowning:

Change your actor bp to be a pawn bp. This can allow input from a player controller, or an AI controller. You can “plug in” your AI controller into the AI controller section of the blueprint for the pawn.


Okay it’s fine but the pawn looks at me if I change my position, I need that he follows me…

whoops! my apologies, instead of a pawn bp, set your boat actor to be a character bp, then use the AI Controller class. This should result in the the character following, please let me know if that is successful.
