Actor disappearing when loading level


I am making a soccer game, and have two levels.
One for handling menus, team selection and that, and then another where the match takes place.

In the matchlevel i have placed a Ball_BP where the player character camera moves and rotates to kepp the ball in focus. When i edit the matchlevel in the editor and test it in the PIE, everything works as it should.

However, when i open it as a standalone game, or open it with “Open level → matchlevel” from the menulevel, the ball is not visible and the camera goes crazy.

If i make a PrintScreen with length of all Ball_BP it returns “1” in both situations above, and a PrtScr of the location, also tells that the ball is where it should be in both cases.

I have tried to delay the camera initial action by 10 secs, to see if the ball somehow should be loaded, but doesnt change anything. The players start moving as they should (although they can’t reference the ball either).

Any idea on why this particular actor disappears when not opening in PIE, when the system recognizes that is should be there?

I don’t have any code that affects the matchlevel in particular when opening from the menulevel.

Hope you can help :slight_smile:

It seemed to be a bug / referencing problem with the actor, so had to force delete it, and create it, and everything using it from scratch. Problem solved.

Hi Fjordhoj,

I have the exact same issue with the actor disappearing after using the menu. I deleted and recreated the actor but not the level - it didn’t work unfortunately. Did you have to re-create your level too? I am using 5.1.1