Actor Delay

Super new to UE5 so you might have to explain this to me like I’m six. Here I have a blue print that has a skeleton following a spline. I need to delay this animation starting for about 7 seconds. What components do I need to add to make this happen?

A separate question I have is that I initially had trouble having the animation play at all in my sequence. Once I dragged the blueprint into the sequence it appears to work but I don’t believe I had to do that in the past with test renders. I’m just trying to understand what’s the correct process to have these animations play in the final render. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated!


You can create a boolean variable, let’s call it CanPlayAnim, and set its default state to False.
Then add a BeginPlay event and connect it to a delay node (right click in the graph > type “delay”), then set the float value of delay to 7.
Drag the CanPlayAnim boolean variable and set it to True after the delay.
Now at Event Tick, add a branch and connect CanPlayAnim to its input, then connect the True output with your existing logic.

For reference:

Regarding animations, I like to use Animation Montages and Animation Notifications for almost everything animation related, Animation Montages allow you to add and group multiple animations into different layers, add and attach sounds effects and particles to bones and sockets, add camera shakes, etc… and Animation Notifications are markers that you can add at certain frames within the Animation Montage, which you can later use to trigger any logic you want, be it other animations or gameplay related events.

Thank you so much for your response! I haven’t quite got this to work yet. I am unsure where the true value should connect with my existing logic. I tried connecting it to SET | Dist. Along Spline but that hasn’t worked yet.

Never mind I am a fool.