I am looking for a way to achieve the flexibility of in-editor geometry editing (for volumes, actually) but on an actor component. Essentially I want a level designer to be able to create a custom-shaped trigger volume around some surface in the level, but there will be many of them, they will each have an additional property (volume type) set by the designer (like a tag, but tags are too free-form right now), and they all need near-identical additional scripting (in blueprints).
One solution is to create a new variable in the level blueprint for every volume and attach all of their events to the same execution flow, using tags to distinguish between different volume types. This isn’t ideal because 1) there would be way too many level BP reference vars and 2) I’d rather not use tags as I’d like a system not subject to typos.
Another solution is to just use box components, but that doesn’t give me the flexibility of geometry editing.
The ideal solution would be to make a Blueprint with a volume component that’s still editable by the geometry editing tools, although I’m not sure how feasible that is. Are there plans in the pipeline for anything like this? If not, is it at least doable somehow?
Thanks in advance!