Actor class for static mesh that can be spawned and works for client

So basically I have to use kactorspawnable for foliage actors so they have collision but can cause some bugs anybody knows a class that can have collision and works for the client?

what are those bugs caused by KActorSpawnable?

also highly depends what you mean with “work for the client”

  • editor-placed actors will already be visible for clients and they will have regular collision
  • spawned actors will also appear on clients if they are spawned on the server (if the class has the right net settings) and you replicate any needed variables on postbeginplay. they can also have regular collision
  • if you need rigidbody physics over the net your chances get more slim, KActor is the only one that replicates RB phys natively I think

well i got bugs when i used some tricks, like setPhysics(0) in the tick and also diabling tick for the actor made clients fly away somehow, sorry to not be specific

But i fixed all the bugs using a boolean in the physics section something called disable physics instance or something like that and in the tick function everytime the actor was in physics rigid body.