Hi. I need made " follow " actor which walk way other actor. Best way I see it use “PawnSensing” element. But it see only player’s pawn. Even if actor I use as " leader " also pawn class. What wrong? I check with print, this pawn not sensed.
Hey @Consoler_whole!
AI can be complicated. Try to gather up what code you can and let’s see if we can’t get to the bottom of it! Try to post pictures, video, anything you can muster up!
Get back to us soon!
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Thank a lot my friend. I found what wrong. There need check option " see all pawns " ( some like this). Then it will caught all pawns in sight.
so this is BP following object
This is Behavior Tree BP
This Task BP.
Really Sphere not follow after Cube… All must work seems…
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