I’ve created a NavMeshBoundsVolume, and both the actor and destination point are inside it. The actor’s mesh isn’t inside any other mesh, except for the nav volume.
Yet, when I run the game, the enemy doesn’t move.
I didn’t realize the Move required a controller - I’m still getting the hang of Unreal and the terminology.
Do you have a movement component on your actor? I believe PawnMovementComponent would be the one to use here. The actor is being treated as an impassable static mesh as well, judging by the navmesh layout giving it space. Maybe the collision setting is noted as “Static?” It needs to be “Movable.”
hi @NightmareGames
check if your AI agent AIController spawn method is set to “Placed in World” in your character/pawn settings. If the AI controller is not spawned it won’t call the functions.
@Mind-Brain Is that the “Add Floating Pawn Movement” node in the blueprints? I’ve added one of those, but I’m not sure if it needs to be connected to anything else.
Good eye spotting that missing green in the nav mesh - that does seem like a symptom of something, especially since the gun pickup doesn’t have it. The top-level blueprint doesn’t have a mobility option in the transform section, but the StaticMesh child does, and it’s set to Movable.
@Jnat I have “Auto Possess AI” in the Pawn section, and it’s set to “Placed in World”.
If you want to try the floating pawn component add it using the component hierarchy in your blueprint. If you want to use this node, plug it in your Construction Script and promote the return value to a Variable.
Make sure you have a PrimitiveComponent (Capsule, sphere or box) as a root to your object so the component can work correctly.
For testing purposes, I recommend using the Character class at first so you can try tinkering around something that works out of the box. It as a character movement already set and the capsule.
If you are willing to work with a Pawn, then add the floating pawn (or character movement) and set the primitive as root component and it should be ok.
In the blueprint editor, there’s a side panel for “Components”. This is completely separate from the node graph, and I never noticed it was there before (likely because I hadn’t needed it until now).
I added a FloatingPawnMovement component to the blueprint from there.
The output log (which I also just discovered) told me DefaultSceneRoot has to be 'Movable' if you'd like to move it with FloatingPawnMovement.
DefaultSceneRoot → Transform → Mobility → Movable
I think @Mind-Brain and @Jnat both tried to explain this to me, but it took several more days of reading and also going through the Stack-o-bot tutorial before I understood.
I’m still not sure what the distinction is between blueprint components and the blueprint nodes, but I’m sure I’ll get there eventually.
hi @NightmareGames
Components are used to serve a clear purpose (displaying triangles, displaying FX, managing movement, etc.) It’s a way to make features generic and portable to many situations. Unreal is based on this concept of component where everything does its part of the job.
Blueprints nodes are the basic functions and are used mainly to add functionalities, prepare data and connect components together. Blueprint is the programming language with which you can make new components or add functionnalities.
Components are one of the structural artefacts of blueprint programming in the Unreal engine Framework.
I am sure it will be clear in a little time.