I’m having a really weird issue. Basically I’m having a a following structure: BP_Sword > Sword > Armament > Actor where the BP_Sword is of course a blueprint class. Armament itself has a static mesh property which is set as the root component of the actor. Static mesh is a sword with simple box collision.
Then I’m having another BP class with the following structure: BP_Sword_2 > Actor. This class has a static mesh property which has the same sword mesh than in the above class.
When I drag these classes on my level, move them upwards on the place, enable physics simulation and hit start, both if the falls down but only the BP_Sword_2 collides with the floor.
So what the heck!? I’ve tried googling, checked tutorials but no luck. Both BPs mesh components have collision enabled.
Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: I have removed “SetActorCollisionEnabled(…)” while testing but it does not seem to affect anything. And I’ve changed the collision presets from the outliner of my level.