Hey, everybody. I’m doing a VR darts tutorial. The tutorial is for Unreal Engine 4, But I’m trying to adapt it to Unreal Engine 5.3.2. I’m having trouble attaching the BP_Dart (Dart Dart) to the arm skeleton.
I was able to define the capture moment in the Grab Component and use it to change the hand capture animation.
But I don’t understand how I can attach the dart to the bone? I have created a socket from the index finger with the name Dart.
I don’t understand how to pass the right hand to Parent.
Nothing provided in the screenshots - does not work.
I was able to attach the dart to my hand, I attach a screenshot of how I managed to do it.
I unchecked the “Weld Simulated bodies” checkbox in Attach Actor To Component
I added a cast to my character VR Pawn Darts and got his Hand Right Darts
I detached the Grab Component from the Dart_Controller (otherwise the dart doesn’t attach to the hand)
When trying to grab Darts - I get the error “LogBlueprintUserMessages: [GrabComponent] GrabComponent->SetSimulatingParent->Cast To PrimitiveComponent FAILED”
I found the location of this error, but I don’t know how to fix it
When trying to pick up a thrown dart - the dart is not picked up.