Hi I am using ue 4.27. I am attempting to create a simple dialog system based on a tutorial. I created an actor blueprint for a dialog component and i created a generic npc character blueprint with mesh. I am attempting to add the dialog actor component to the npc blueprint in the component section of the npc but the dialog component doesnt show up in the search section so Im wondering how do i reference the actor dialog component so I can then add it to the npc blueprint?
If you made an actor blueprint, that’s why.
It needs to be an ‘actor component blueprint’.
okay thanks a lot for your reply. so I should create a brand new dialog component blueprint but making sure im choosing an actor component blueprint instead and copy the code across from the old blueprint?
You can re-parent the current BP
I think that should do it. Unfortunately, you can’t re-parent from ‘actor’ to ‘actor component’.
ok thanks i just created a completely new actor component blueprint and copied the code across and redid some new variables so there were no errors
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